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Listing summary

static bike

Job ref: 1214016 Date listed: 05-05-2024
Bids: 3 (3 active) Lowest bid: £170.00


Collect from:

Scarborough North Yorkshire YO12 4HA United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Enfield Greater London EN2 8JJ United Kingdom


Approx. 230 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

People required: 1 person (I can help)
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 1.50 x 0.25 x 0.60 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
ashpatel (309) £170.00 05-05-2024 05-06-2024
milly7475 (43) £171.00 05-05-2024 05-06-2024
star_delivery (626) £239.00 16-05-2024 05-06-2024


Question: Hey there! Just wanted to confirm that we've got you covered for the exercise bike pickup tomorrow, May 6th, and the delivery is set for Wednesday, May 8th. We're making sure it's fully insured and will be handled by our trusty two-person team. Your bike is in good hands! - milly7475 (05-05-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Sure thing! If we could get a peek at your budget, we'd be able to work some magic and figure out the best way to make your request happen without breaking the bank. be super helpful in planning the most efficient route to accommodate you. Just a heads-up to keep things smooth sailing! - milly7475 (05-05-2024)
Response: No response yet